

Awaaz-e-Niswaan works with Muslim women and girls in improving their safety, access to justice, education and livelihood means. As their budgets are always limited, the digital presence of Niswaan in terms of a website and such were very limited and inefficient.  digiSarathi overhauled the Niswaan website in a simple manner that conveyed their community’s pain-points […]

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SEEDS is a NGO based out of Jamshedpur that works with the tribal and backward caste communities towards enhancing their equity and access to justice.  digiSarathi was given the opportunity to design and develop their website We took about four months to go live with the new website. SEEDS helps the local community to

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Entrib Analytics

Entrib is bringing the much needed digitization to Manufacturing in India and abroad. Entrib’s innovative software product, ShopWorx, chalks out an effective Industry 4.0 roadmap for manufacturers.  DigiSarathi provided product consulting and implementations to the Entrib Product Design team in reducing customer deployment timelines by more than 50%! Advocating a strong and robust product development

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GuideStar India

Guidestar India is a leading NGO association based out of Mumbai. Since two decades, Guidestar has carefully curated the NGO community in India with the help of technologies in online user enagement and outreach. More recently they have expanded their services to corporates in the CSR programs wherein the corporates can partner with reputed and

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