WordPress vs Ghost? Neither for most SMEs & NGOs!

If you’re a small to mid-sized enterprise (SME) or a non-governmental organization (NGO), you don’t need a complex content management system (CMS) disguised as a website. Instead, consider a straightforward website with a simple blogging module that operates without the need for databases. This approach can cut your annual maintenance costs by 50% and save you ₹3,000 in hosting fees alone!

In our experience with SME and NGO clients, content updates typically occur only once every three months. For NGOs, this often involves sharing beneficiary counts and workshop photos, while SMEs may focus on exhibition images and product updates. By avoiding a CMS like WordPress, the process becomes significantly easier for everyone involved. Simply send your content to your website administrator, and they can upload it seamlessly in the backend.

By simplifying the digiSarathi website, we’ve witnessed an astounding 1000% increase in page load speeds—no exaggeration! We will prepare a video demo of this soon!

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What to Expect…

  • In-Depth Analysis: We’ll review your existing website and digital strategies.
  • Customized Recommendations: Receive actionable insights on enhancing your online presence.
  • Future-Proof Strategies: Explore innovative solutions to stay ahead in the digital landscape.

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